Friday, August 1, 2008


Let's talk about lifting our minds higher than the average levels of consciousness we see around us! Are there really higher levels? Are there really places to elevate your thinking to, where you can actually see and feel more positive and hopeful? Where are the levels to which we may begin resonating at higher frequencies?

In right-wing, conservative christianity, we find people from all walks of life- but generally at levels of living and thinking where there is room for improvement! Let's not talk evangelical and winning souls to Christ and then shoving a lot of do's and don't's down their throats... people are yearning to be loved and find acceptance and places to get together to worship where the spiritual mind REALLY IS SPIRITUAL!

Sure, in christianity, the general consensus is that we are living in the last days of Earth's history, and that Jesus will be coming soon! But you know what, you do not attract people with sermons and preaching that a religious life is all about the rules and living by a strict and narrow concept or principles! Yes, the principles are there... and we cannot live without realizing that when we find Jesus and what He did and is doing for us, that it changes everything!

And our lives change... and so do our actions. And our outcomes.

But real faith! Real faith is about a higher consciousness! A higher realm of thinking and being! It is about resonating at a higher level and finding that joy is for real! It is finding that you don't stand still after all! Your engine won't be running with you standing still on a track that allows you to do just that.

The human motor is designed to be operated by a brain and consciousness where an elevated sense of being is achieved by elevating our thinking by a conscious and intentional effort!

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